Songs of the British Isles

Folk, traditional, various
Lyrical, vibrant, reflective, folksy with a jazz tinge…
Rickards, Craig
Bb or Eb Sax & Piano
19 minutes
4, 5, 6



8 traditional folk songs from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales arranged for Bb or Eb saxophone. These contrasting pieces are of moderate difficulty and can be played separately or as a complete set.

The E-Edition PDF bundle comes with Bb and Eb saxophone parts and piano accompaniment.


  1. The Londonderry Air (Danny Boy)
  2. Amazing Grace
  3. Ar Lan y Mor (On The Sea Shore)
  4. The Ash Grove
  5. Scarborough Fair
  6. The Blaydon Races
  7. The Skye Boat Song
  8. Paddy’s Green Shamrock Shore

Titles from “Songs of the British Isles” included on exam syllabi:

ABRSM (valid from 2022)

  • The Ash Grove – Grade 6 (Bb only)

Please check the latest exam syllabi for updates and amendments.

“Songs of the British Isles” is also available in hard-copy from June Emerson Wind Music.


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