Sax Circus

Classical, Contemporary
Circus characters galore in this upbeat, fun and quirky piece. Great encore for clowns, lion tamers and trapeze artists!
May, Roger
3 minutes
7, 8



Composed by the winner of the NSC’s 2006 Composition Competition, “Sax Circus” was performed at the 2009 World Saxophone Congress in Bangkok by the NSC’s “Sax Family”.

The E-Edition PDF bundle comes with the following parts:

Soprano Saxophone 1
Soprano Saxophone 2
Alto Saxophone 1
Alto Saxophone 2
Tenor Saxophone 1
Tenor Saxophone 2
Baritone Saxophone 1
Baritone Saxophone 2

“Sax Circus” is also available in hard-copy from June Emerson Wind Music.

1 review for Sax Circus

  1. tom.saxtet

    Roger May is the NSC’s Composer-in-Residence and his Simon’s Mangrove Groove is a masterpiece of writing for the group. Superb! Sax Circus, the title track, also by May, is a virtuoso comedic piece; knowing what the NSC is capable of in the terpsichorean department this is one they ought to put on a DVD.
    Kenneth Morris – Clarinet & Saxophone Magazine, Autumn 2010

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