
Elegant French romanticism…
Fauré, G
5 minutes



Originally for piano in 1887, this elegant piece was based on lyrics describing the romantic helplessness of mankind. Fauré eventually wrote a version including the lyrics for piano & choir.

“C’est Lindor, c’est Tircis et c’est tous nos vainqueurs!
C’est Myrtille, c’est Lydé! Les reines de nos coeurs!
Comme ils sont provocants! Comme ils sont fiers toujours!
Comme on ose régner sur nos sorts et nos jours!

Faites attention! Observez la mesure!

Ô la mortelle injure! La cadence est moins lente!
Et la chute plus sûre! Nous rabattrons bien leur caquets!
Nous serons bientôt leurs laquais!
Qu’ils sont laids! Chers minois!
Qu’ils sont fols! (Airs coquets!)

Et c’est toujours de même, et c’est ainsi toujours!
On s’adore! On se hait! On maudit ses amours!
Adieu Myrtille, Eglé, Chloé, démons moqueurs!
Adieu donc et bons jours aux tyrans de nos coeurs!
Et bons jours!”

And in English:
“It is Lindor, it is Tircis, and it is all our victors!
It is Myrtille, it is Lyde! The queens of our hearts.
As they are defying! As they are always proud!
As we dare rule our fates and our days!

Pay attention! Observe the measure!

Oh mortal insult! The cadence is less slow!
And the fall more certain! We’ll make them sing a different tune!
We will soon be their running dogs!
They are ugly! Dear little face!
They are madmen! (Quaint airs and tunes!)

And it is always the same, and so forever!
We love! We hate ! We curse our loves!
Farewell Myrtille, Egle, Chloe, mocking demons!
Farewell and good day to the tyrants of our hearts!
And a good day!”

The E-Edition PDF bundle comes with the following parts:

Soprano Saxophone
Alto Saxophone 1
Alto Saxophone 2
Tenor Saxophone 1
Tenor Saxophone 2
Baritone Saxophone


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