Flute Exam Titles

Did you know we have TCL jazz flute exam titles at Saxtet? You do now! If you are doing grade 3, grade 4 or grade 6 you will find some great flute exam titles here.

Take a look at our collection below or get in touch for a personal recommendation!


Exam Music for Flute

We have some fantastic exam music for flute. Doing TCL jazz grade 3? Choose Cops, Caps & Cadillacs! Not only does it include Oceanopolis for your grade 3, but it also includes a piece for grade 4.

The title number Cops, Caps & Cadillacs is included on the TCL jazz grade 4 syllabus. More advanced? If you’re doing grade 6, the wonderful jazz ballad Squiffy’s Song is a great piece of exam music for flute.



Can I use a digital edition in my exam?

Generally, yes! In the UK and many other countries it is allowable to use printed digital editions. We always advise checking with your local exam officer before your exam. It's always worth bringing proof of purchase (i.e. your email order) with you just in case!

Can I read a digital edition from an iPad in my exam?

Yes, ABRSM say that sheet music obtained via digital download may be read from an electronic device in the exam. Always best to check with your local exam officer before your exam.

Which syllabi are your flute exam titles included on?

Our music is included on the TCL jazz flute syllabus for grades 3, 4 and 6.